Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Weekend, WalMart and What the Hell?

Sunday, November 30

Needless to say, this month has flown by. The weather in Changsha has been gorgeous the past couple of days. Chilly, but clear and sunny. Friday night, I went in search of some Western food.

What I did find was the Chinese equivalent of Burger King. Well, basically, Chinese fast food chains, serve "hamburgers" but really all that amounts too is a chicken sandwich. It worked for me. That plus fries, ice cream and a Coke, were delicious. My stomach seems to be fine now, but the psychological effects of getting sick had really put Chinese food off to me.

I stopped by the central Wal-Mart here, and lo and behold, the greeter was decked out in Christmas attire. They actually have a pretty big Christmas section.

Last night, I enjoyed some tea with a Chinese friend and her friend and then turned in sort of early. Yesterday, was the tail end of a second wave of irritation with China. It is difficult to explain, but I had become very irritable with people the past few days. I did not want to talk to any of them, figuring that they were really only after a chance to practice their English. Nor, could I deal with the crowds on the bus, of which I spent 1 hour and 45 minutes on yesterday to get to the West side. Traffic, was terrible and apparently, the buses can "fit just one more person".

However, I think beared the brunt of this influx of cultural difference and its effects and am looking forward to resuming Chinese study and the like.

I was quite alarmed at the news story emerging from America about the 34 year old man who was trampled to death while opening a Wal-Mart. How disgusting is this? Does anyone seem to pause at the fact that America could be the only place where people crush other people to get a good discount. What is wrong with these people? Do you really feel the need to camp out all day and night, to wait in the lines, the cold, the crowds, all for a product. You have no respect for human life, that you would push and pull and gouge your way to a "falling price". How do some people live with themselves?

Anyways, that is all I have for right now. I now have to work on cleaning my place, and lesson planning for the month of December.

1 comment:

M.I.A. Blogger said...

That is why you should never go shopping on Black Friday.

The news report stated that the man was trying to prevent a pregnant woman from being trampled by the crowd. I believe she had to be taken to the hospital for evaluation, but came out of it okay.

One person was run down by a shopper and their cart in Wal-mart. I think it was the same store in Rhode Island, but I cannot be sure. It showed the person being carried out on a stretcher.